Creativity May Be the Secret to Romantic Passion (According to Science)

Nothing beats the rush of a new love – the butterflies, the excitement, and the kind of passion that makes you feel truly alive. These are the moments we want to last forever.

However, when the novelty wears off, keeping the spark alive can be difficult for many couples. While there are many benefits to being in a long-term relationship, it comes with a new set of challenges.

Feeling frustrated, we’re left asking ourselves: “Must we trade comfort and security for romantic passion? Is there a way to reignite that head-over-heels, passionate love?” Science says yes, and the solution is simpler than you think.

According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology creativity is the key to romantic passion.

"Romantic passion typically declines over time, but a downward trajectory is not inevitable. Across 3 studies (1 of which encompassed 2 substudies), we investigated whether creativity helps bolster romantic passion in established relationships,” researchers noted. “Studies revealed that people with highly creative personalities report not only greater overall passion but also an attenuation in the tendency for passion to decline as relationship duration increases."

While some of us are not naturally creative, we all have the ability tap into our creative potential.

3 Ways to Rekindle Romance in Your Relationship 

Romance is an art; hence, it cannot exist without creativity. Here are a few ideas to start thinking outside the box.

1. Build anticipation

Think about the last time you felt truly excited. Let’s say it was right before going on vacation. While you were planning the trip, you probably started imagining all the fun you were going to have and the more you thought about it, the more excited you became.  

With each day, the excitement continued to grow. Why? Because of the anticipation.

Anticipation is what fuels desire. While you are caught in that moment between surprise and experience, your imagination starts to run wild. This is why anticipation is one of the key ingredients for romantic passion both inside and outside of the bedroom.

Plan something fun for your partner and let them know that something special is coming. Even something as simple as sending a flirty text on your lunch break is effective. If you want to take it to the next level, you can cook a romantic dinner (and if you’re really feeling adventurous, set up a sexy scavenger hunt for after).

2. Be spontaneous and surprise your partner

Romantic passion thrives on originality and spontaneity. Everyone wants to feel desired by their significant other. Use any opportunity you have to take your partner by surprise. Meet him in the shower, send flowers to her office, or cook his favorite dessert for after dinner. Remember, love is in the details. The little things can make a big difference. 

3. Be playful

The stress of day to day life can make many of us lose that youthful energy and zest for life. Life is too short to take everything so seriously. 

Flirt, tease and let yourself be silly. Playfulness and laughter is the best gift you can give your partner, and will bring you closer than ever.

Are you ready to bring excitement back into your love life? Start getting creative and watch how it transforms your relationship.